Politics, International Relations and Migration

Social Sciences

The Politics, International Relations and Migrations Axis explores the contemporary transformation(s) of European states, institutions and societies. From the Brexit referendum to the rise of populists to power in Eastern and Southern Europe, the questions of national sovereignty and identy are at the heart of the project.

The first aspect of the axis focuses on the issue of migration as being central to political changes in the EU. If anti-migrant resentment has become a primary political argument, mobilisations in favour of vulnerable migrants have paved the way for new forms of citizen participation. This first line of research addresses the transformations of contemporary migrations and the place of foreigners in immigrant societies and its consequences on international relations.

The second aspect analyses interactions between populist movements and mainstream political parties in France, the UK and other European contries – especially but not exclusively in the context of uncertainty triggered by Brexit – and their consequences on political institutions at the national and EU levels. It will dwell on the growing influence of populist movements but also on the various responses – both ideological and organisational – provided by mainstream parties to this increasing threat.

More broadly, this axis will take an interest in all the projects aiming at understanding the whole set of social, political and institutional upheavals affecting our European societies in this context of crisis.