‘Channels of Digital Scholarship’ Seminar

‘Early Modern French Theatre on the virtual stage’

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Françoise Rubellin (Université de Nantes), Florent Laroche (Ecole Centrale de Nantes), and Paul François (CNRS, Laboratoire d'Archéologie Médiévale et Moderne en Méditerranée (UMR 7298): ‘Vespace, a virtual performance of 18th-century Saint-Germain fair’ 

Estelle Doudet (University of Lausanne): 'Virtual Reality and Medieval Spectacles: contributions and limitations of a new technology to the history of theatre'

Conveners: Goran Gaber (EHESS, LIER-FYT), Andrew Cusworth, Pascal Marty, Olivier Delouis (MFO), Tristan Alonge (Université de la Réunion), Grégoire Lacaze (MFO/Aix Marseille)

Join us at the Maison Française or on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87899332631?pwd=QU1NeXZESWJ4SVdUOWVmdFFWKzRrdz09 (Meeting ID: 878 9933 2631 - Passcode: 685660)