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Convenors: Goran Gaber, Andrew Cusworth
In this unique two-hour seminar hosted by Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO) and Digital Scholarship @ Oxford (DiSc), participants from leading research institutions in France and the UK will discuss the challenges and opportunities for national institutions engaged in digital research, including
creating and sustaining long-term infrastructures in a research environment that favours short-term funding;
enabling collaboration and exchange;
and balancing public and commercial interests in their work.
Introduced by the directors of MFO and DiSc (Professors Pascal Marty and Howard Hotson), this seminar will draw together speakers from Bibliothèque Nationale de France, British Library, Huma-Num, and the Alan Turing Institute. Gathering in the seminar room at MFO, participants and attendees will have an opportunity to hear four papers on these topics, take part in formal and informal discussion and exchange, and enjoy a little cheese, wine (or alcohol-free alternative), and conversation.
Nicolas Sauret (Huma-Num CNRS): “The HN Lab of Huma-Num. Prospects and initiatives around AI for the humanities"
Emmanuelle Bermès & Marie Carlin (BNF, Paris): “Digital humanities at the BnF: between age-old missions and support for new uses”
Barbara McGillivray (King’s College, London): “Mining for meaning in the open: computational analyses of historical textual corpora”
Dave De Roure (Engineering Science Department & Alan Turing Institute): “Knowledge Infrastructure for Digital Scholarship”
'Channels of Digital Scholarship' Seminar
Research in the digital humanities has experienced explosive growth and development in the last ten years. Two important factors have contributed to this progress: firstly, the very strong mobilisation of scientific and scholarly communities to engage with this emerging field in all humanities sectors; secondly, the extraordinary progress of digital tools and capacities. This has resulted in a profusion of initiatives at all levels: major digitisation projects led by libraries and academic institutions, digitisation of corpora of all kinds and for all periods, and multiple research projects with targeted objectives.
The aim of this first Channels of Digital Scholarship seminar series is to reflect upon new avenues for the analysis and use of textual corpora. Textual corpora and their uses represent several challenges in the development and validation of digital tools for analysis, the dialogue between disciplines, and the institutional structures that support the wide range of projects that are being developed. In this series of four seminars, the Maison Française d'Oxford and Digital Scholarship @ Oxford, with the help of leaders of digital humanities initiatives in the CIVIS network, propose to explore these challenges from Franco-British and international perspectives.
Conveners: Goran Gaber (EHESS (LIER-FYT)), Andrew Cusworth (Digital Scholarship, Oxford), Christophe Gaillac (Nuffield College, Oxford), Pascal Marty, Olivier Delouis, Tristan Alonge (MFO), Grégoire Lacaze (MFO/Aix Marseille).
24 May, 2-4.30pm: ‘Institutions & Networks: The cultural infrastructures of digital scholarship’
25 May, 2-4pm: ‘Greek and Latin corpora’
31 May, 2-4pm: ‘From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment’
1 June, 2-4pm: ‘Building and Mining Corpora for Social Media Discourse Analysis’