Chaired by Freya Hope and Niklas Hartmann (OUAS)
The master class will take place on the 18th of May from 10:00am - 12:00pm at 64 Banbury Road. Participants are invited to stay on afterwards for a sandwich lunch until 12:30pm.
No payment is required for the class or lunch but registration is required to attend the event
The master class will be structured by three topics related to Professor Descola's work; these will be:
- What does it mean to conduct comparative work and how should this be done?
- How do ontological regimes change through time?
- How are ontological regimes related to social structure?
The event will be open to 20 students who will participate in person and there will also be the opportunity to watch online. In-person places will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis with preference given to Oxford postgraduate students studying anthropology. In-person participants will be provided with a selected bibliography of Professor Descola's published works and will be expected to familiarise themselves with the texts in preparation for the master class, to have a basis for discussion.
There will also be an opportunity for a limited number of participants to give a short (15 minute) presentation during the master class based on one of the above topics. If you would like to do so, please send a 200 word abstract to: Freya Hope ( or Niklas Hartmann ( by the 25th of April. Successful applicants will be contacted by the 26th of April. The deadline for completed papers will be the 5th of May.