Please note that the main entrance to Nuffield College is now on New Road, giving direct access to Staircase J. To call the Lodge, press the intercom on the right. Please note that after the first door, there is a second door. Please click here to see the map of the college.
Convened by Nathalie Berny (MFO) and Steve Fisher (University of Oxford)
14:00 - 15:25 - Panel 1 - Voting behaviour
Chair - Geoffrey Evans - University of Oxford
Bruno Cautrès, Sciences Po Paris
Miriam Sorace, University of Reading
Steve Fisher, University of Oxford
15:25-15:45 Coffee break
15:45 - 17:10 - Panel 2 - Parties and politics across Europe
Chair - Anthony Teasdale, LSE
Anja Thomas, University of Lille
Sofia Vasilopoulou, King’s College London
Mihail Chiru, University of Oxford
17:15 - Post-event drinks