SYMPOSIUM ‘The Big Warehouse: a logistics revolution and the global emergence of popular value chains’

Please note that only the 26th is open to the public

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Considering the emergence of “free zones” from industrial-commercial “grey zones”, this symposium will explore how the storage function plays a crucial role in the organisation of what some economists call the "warehouse economy". These zones occupy, in a privileged way, territories in crisis (escheat) where they form real enclaves of local lawlessness. They are also places of innovation revealing real changes in work relations and the organisation of labour markets. As they combine the rational management of stocks, the flexibility of employment and the multiscalarity of circuits, these zones are privileged space-times for understanding the ongoing changes in transnational economies


Members of the programme: Aboul-Malik Ahmad, Virginie Baby-Collin, Flora Bajard, Carlotta Benvegnú, Andrea Bottalico, Emeline Cozic, Assaf Dahdah, Kamel Doraï, Emmanuelle Durand, Mustapha El Miri, Eric Foulquier, Mélanie Forné, David Gaborieau, Katharina Grueneisl, Cathy Krohmer, Taher Labadi, Thomas Lacroix, David Lagarde, Thomas Langlois, Pascal Marty, Delphine Mercier, Michel Peraldi, Patrick Perez, Martin Pontier, Franck Poupeau, Manuel Sahuquet, Camille Schmoll, Nico Tassi, Antoine Vion.

Guests: Mike Crang, Nick Hammer, Sabina Lawreniuk, Romana Schmalisch, Robert Schlicht

Scientific and Technical Coordination: Kristelle Barniaud, Anne-Sophie Gabillas, Catherine O'Sullivan, Mélanie Forné, Carlotta Benvegnù, Katharina Grueneisl, Thomas Lacroix, Delphine Mercier, Michel Peraldi.

Please download the programme here (Zoom links included)

Programme and illustration by Mélanie Forné



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