Benoit Pouget is Associate Professor in Modern History at Sciences Po Aix. He is currently an Associate member at Oxford Faculty of History and an Associate researcher at the French Defence Historical Service. His research focuses on situations of extreme violence, crisis mortality (epidemics, wars, disasters) & biosecurity as well as on the history of military & naval medicine and emergency responses. Primarily focused on the Euro-Mediterranean area, his works now develop toward Middle-Eastern, African & East Asian contexts. He coheads with Professor Erica Charters (Oxford University) the international research group War Losses and Casualties Phd thesis was published & entitled Un choc de circulations. La puissance navale française face au choléra en Méditerranée. 1831-1856 in 2020, and has been awarded by the French military national prize (2018) and the French naval strategy national prize (2018).