Clémence Ledoux
Alumnus of the ENS Cachan and agrégée de Sciences Sociales, Clémence Ledoux is an associate professor of Political Sciences at the University of Nantes. Her research focuses on public policy analysis, the transformation of welfare states, the dynamics of social markets, gender and business organisations.
After her PhD at Sciences Po Paris (2011), she developed during her Fellowship at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst (Germany), a study group working comparatively on the dynamics of welfare markets in Europe. In the framework of the ANR PROFAM project, she investigated between 2017 and 2019 the practices of street bureaucrats in charge of decisions regarding care allowances in a French sub-national territory. Since 2019, thanks to her CNRS sabbatical and her Marie Curie Fellowship at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Freibourg (FRIAS, Germany), she developed a research project on business organisations involved in home services in different countries and also on the Europeanisation of these actors. She is currently coordinating the COVICARE research project (2021-2024), funded by the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie, which aims to understand how the Covid-19 crisis, by revealing and exacerbating a tension around care work, has transformed the legal and social frameworks of this work and the employment relationships it implies. Involving political scientists (Virginie Guiraudon), sociologists (Marie Cartier, Eve Meuret-Campfort, Marion Gaboriau, Annie Dussuet) and a law scientist (Pascal Cailaud), the project compares public policies and social dialogue measures in five European countries to the set of issues that have emerged during the crisis and sometimes reveal deeper tensions for the paid care work for the elderly at home. The aim is to understand how the institutional contexts and the existing systems of actors in these five very different countries (Germany, Belgium, Italy, France and the United Kingdom) have determined the responses of public actors, social partners and national organisations to the problems faced by frail older people at home and the paid care workers who accompany them, at the time of the arrival of the virus but also afterwards, and (especially in France) how these instruments have been appropriated by their addressees, frail older people at home, their families and paid care workers. During her research stay at the Maison Française, Clémence Ledoux will develop the fieldwork for the British case study of the project.
Latest publications
Edited book and special issues
- V Guiraudon, C Ledoux and L. Poblete, 2024, "Perspectives comparées sur l’emploi et les services de care à domicile en temps de pandémie", Revue des politiques sociales et familiales
- C Ledoux, L Poblete et A Jacquemart, 2023, "Gouverner le care", Terrains et Travaux, 1, 42.
- C. Ledoux, K. Shire and F. van Hooren (eds.), 2021, The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave.
- S. Jacquot and C. Ledoux (dirs.), 2021, « Les partenaires sociaux à l’épreuve du genre et de l’intersectionnalité dans l’Union européenne / Social Partners, Gender and Intersectionality in the EU », Politique européenne, 4, 74.
Articles in peer reviewed journals (since 2018):
- V Guiraudon C Ledoux P Caillaud 2024 "Le rôle des organisations patronales dans un secteur fragmenté", RPSF, 150
- C Ledoux 2023 "Political parties, interest groups and the contestation of home care. The case of France". European Journal of Politics and Gender, 6 (2) 240-257.
- F Van Hooren and C Ledoux 2023 "The limits of social investment and the resilience of long-term care". European Journal of Social Security 25(2), 196-216
- C. Ledoux, L. Poblete, A. Jacquemart 2023 « Gouverner le social care, des catégories institutionnelles aux expériences intimes », Terrains & travaux, 2023/1 (42), 5-26
- A. Dussuet, C. Ledoux, C. Sonnet, 2022, "Gouverner le pouvoir discrétionnaire des street level bureaucrats. Le cas de la mise en oeuvre de l'APA", Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 2,67-89
- S. Jacquot et C. Ledoux, 2021, "Les partenaires sociaux à l'épreuve du genre et de l'intersectionnalité dans l'Union européenne", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 10-37
- C. Ledoux, 2021, " Framing the feminised home-based services sector at European level: the evolving role of Trade Unions and Employer’s Organisations", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 78-107
- F. van Hooren, C. Ledoux, B. Apitzsch and A. Eleveld, 2021, "Inclusive advocacy? Trade-union activity in support of the rights of domestic workers in Continental Europe", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 108-134
- Clémence Ledoux and Annie Dussuet, 2020, "Elder Care Allowances in Action : Missed Opportunities for Gender Transformation", French Politics, 18, 71-92
- A. Dussuet and C. Ledoux, 2019,"Implementing the French elderly care allowance for home-based care: bureaucratic work, professional cultures and gender frames", Policy and Society
- C. Ledoux, 2018, "From regulating the worlds of welfare to regulating professional worlds. Care and domestic services in France and Germany", Revue Française de Science Politique, 68,1, 53-76.
Book chapters (since 2018):
- C. Ledoux, 2022, « L’Etat social au défi du marché » in O. Giraud et G. Perrier (eds.), Politiques sociales, l’état des savoirs, La Découverte, 270-284
- C. Ledoux et G. Perrier, 2022, « Les approches centrées sur la mise en œuvre des politiques sociales » in O. Giraud et G. Perrier (eds.), Politiques sociales, l’état des savoirs, La Découverte, 200-217
- C. Ledoux et R. Krupka, 2021, "Negotiating in a Highly Feminised Sector: The French Domestic Work and Home-based Care Sector", in A. Elomäki, J. Kantola and P. Koskinen Sandberg (eds.), Social Partners and Gender Equality: Change and Continuity in Gendered Corporatism, Palgrave, 71-95
- C. Ledoux, K. Shire, and F. van Hooren, 2021, "Introduction: From the Emergence to the Dynamics of Welfare Markets" in C. Ledoux, K. Shire et F. van Hooren (eds.) The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave, 3-48
- C. Ledoux, R. Encinas de Muñagorri et V. Guiraudon, 2021, "Becoming an Organised Actor in a Welfare Market: Employers in the French In-Home Domestic/Care, in C. Ledoux, K. Shire et F. van Hooren (eds.) The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave, 317-342
- C. Ledoux, 2021, "Les politiques en faveur de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes", in Annie Dussuet (ed.) Vers l'égalité femmes-hommes au travail. Des obstacles.... aux politiques publiques, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 105-122
- F. van Hooren, B. Apitzsch and C. Ledoux, 2018, “The politics of care work and migration”. In Weinar, A., Bonjour S. et Zhyrznomirska, L. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe, Routledge, 363-373.
- A. Evrard et C. Ledoux, 2018, “Temporalités”, in F. Collard Dutilleul, V. Pironon and A. Van Lang (eds.), Dictionnaire juridique des transitions écologiques, Institut Universitaire Varenne, 787-790
Last Communications (since 2020)
(With Virginie Guiraudon) “The Power of Employer’s Organisations in the Distribution of Public Resources Towards Home Care Workers during the Pandemic”, Amsterdam, SASE Conference, 11 July 2022
« Cadrer le droit ? Les organisations patronales de l’aide à domicile en période de crise pandémique », Workshop « Expériences du droit en urgence sanitaire » organisé par Emilie Biland, Cyrine Garde et Jérôme Pélisse, sur zoom et à Sciences Po Paris, 20 Juin 2022.
“Representing decentralized employers of precarious female workers. The case of the home care /domestic work sector in Europe”, workshop “Domestic workers and the law”, organised by Eva Kocher and Lorena Poblete, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, 18 May 2022.
Representing decentralized employers of precarious female workers. Why acting at the European policy level in the home care /domestic work sector? HUMSS Colloquium, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, 11 March 2022.
“The role of political parties in the contestation of home care market regulations. The case of France”, Workshop on social care oranised by Agnès Blome et Eva-Maria Euchner, 29 April 2021 and 12 August 2021.
(With Virginie Guiraudon), “Working As Home Care Givers of Elderly People during Covid 19 in France: From Public Policies to Practices SASE Conference”, 5 July 2021
“Negotiating in a highly feminised sector: the French domestic work and home-based care sector”, ILERA Conference, zoom, 22 June 2021
“Who Represents the Workers? Social Dialogue and Trade Unions in the French Homebased Care Sector”, Council for European Studies Conference, zoom, 21 June 2021
« Le secteur féminisé des services à domicile : quel rôle pour les organisations patronales et des syndicats de salariés dans l’émergence et le cadrage d’un nouveau domaine d’action pour l’UE ? », colloque CIELO, Nantes, 24 Septembre 2020
“The French case”, ETUI-AIAS webinar: Job Quality in Personal Household Services: Towards Better Regulation. Webinaire, 18 June 2020