Eric Descheemaeker is a Professor of Law at Melbourne Law School in Australia. Before heading off to the antipodes, he was a Reader in European Private Law at the University of Edinburgh and, before that, a Fellow and Tutor in Law at St Catherine’s College, Oxford. He did his undergraduate studies in Paris and his graduate studies at LSE and Oxford. His doctoral dissertation was published as The Division of Wrongs (OUP 2007).
He is a private lawyer with research interests in the comparative legal history of torts, unjustified enrichment and remedies. He is also interested in the law of French overseas territories, and more broadly (post-)colonial law in both the English and French traditions.
He is visiting the Maison française d’Oxford from September-December 2022, during which time he will be based at the Faculty of Law’s Institute of European and Comparative Law, where he has been a Visiting Research Fellow since 2009.