Eve Gianoncelli is a post-doctoral fellow and a Visiting Researcher at the MFO. She was the 2019-2020 Deakin Visiting Fellow in the European Studies Centre, St. Antony’s College. She obtained her PhD from the University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis in 2016. She was also a Lurcy-Fulbright Fellow (2011-2012) then a Visiting Fellow (2012-2013) at Columbia University. She has worked and taught at different universities in France (Paris Dauphine, Lille, Paris-Sorbonne Universities).
Her research interests include intellectual history, the history of political thought, the history of political ideologies and more particularly Conservatism, gender studies and cultural studies.
Eve is currently working on two projects: "An Alternative Vision of Emancipation: Trade Unionism between Revolution and Conservatism" (ANR project THEOVAIL) and "Engendering Conservatism: Contemporary Conservative Intellectual Politics in the UK, the US, France and Italy".
The book adapted from her doctoral thesis Le genre de la pensée. Histoire(s) du devenir intellectuelle (PUR, coll. « archives du féminisme ») is forthcoming. Along with Professor Brent Hayes Edwards (Columbia University), Eve is also currently working on a bilingual edition of the writings of the pioneer of Negritude Paulette Nardal.