Laurie Friant is lecturer at Poitiers University. Her research focuses on health law, from the emergence of claims to their reception by the legal system, including Tort Law. It is part of a multidisciplinary and comparative approach. She wrote her PhD on compensation for damage caused by health products (published as La réparation des dommages causés par les produits de santé, contribution à l’étude des fondements et mise en œuvre de la socialisation des risques, Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc, 2020).
As a post-doctoral researcher, she took part in the research project « Gynaecological and obstetric violence seized by law » (Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (ISJPS), Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne). She is staying in the MFO in July and August and is hosted by the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies as visiting scholar.