29 Sep 2023, 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Alliance Française d'Oxford
To mark the 140th Anniversary of the Alliance Française, we will travel in time and get a glimpse of the intellectual and technological effervescence of Paris in 1883, which gave rise to this ambitious project: the association for the promotion of French Language. The Tour Eiffel was a still mere concept and Victor Hugo was still alive.
Dr. Michael Drolet (Worcester) nous parlera du rôle de la technologie comme vecteur de la culture, et la pensée politique de l'époque
Dr. Helen Craske (Merton) nous parlera de la littérature française de cette époque
In French.
Refreshments will be served after the conference in the main rooms of the Alliance Française d'Oxford.
Free, open to all, but please register
LINK FOR REGISTRATION: Conférence "Le Paris de 1883" (af-oxford.org)